Source code for redeclipse.entities

from import ivec3
from redeclipse.enums import EntType, WeaponType

[docs]class Entity: def __init__(self, xyz, type, attrs, links, reserved): xyz = xyz.fine() * 4 self.o = ivec3(*xyz) self.type = type self.attrs = attrs if self.type == EntType.ET_WEAPON: self.attrs[0] = WeaponType(self.attrs[0]) self.attr_annotations = [ 'type', 'flags', 'modes', 'muts', 'id' ] elif self.type == EntType.ET_PLAYERSTART: self.attrs[0] = WeaponType(self.attrs[0]) self.attr_annotations = [ 'team', 'yaw', 'pitch', 'modes', 'muts', 'id' ] elif self.type == EntType.ET_MAPMODEL: self.attr_annotations = [ 'type', 'yaw', 'pitch', 'roll', 'blend', 'scale', 'flags', 'colour', 'palette', 'palindex', 'spinyaw', 'spinpitch', 'spinroll' ] elif self.type == EntType.ET_SUNLIGHT: self.attr_annotations = [ 'yaw', 'pitch', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'offset', 'flare', 'flarescale', ] elif self.type == EntType.ET_PUSHER: self.attr_annotations = [ 'yaw', 'pitch', 'force', 'maxrad', 'minrad', 'type' ] elif self.type == EntType.ET_LIGHT: self.attr_annotations = [ 'radius', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'flare', 'flarescale', ] elif self.type == EntType.ET_AFFINITY: self.attr_annotations = [ 'team', 'yaw', 'pitch', 'modes', 'muts', 'id' ] else: raise Exception("Cannot serialize %s, please specify attrs", self.type) # Must have right # of attrs. assert len(self.attrs) == len(self.attr_annotations) self.links = [] if links is None else links self.reserved = [0, 0, 0] if reserved is None else reserved def __str__(self): return '[Ent %s %s [Attr: %s] [Links: %s]]' % ( self.o,, ','.join(map(str, self.attrs)), ','.join(map(str, self.links)) )
[docs] def serialize(self): return [self.o.x, self.o.y, self.o.z, str.encode(chr(self.type.value))] + \ [str.encode(chr(x)) for x in self.reserved]
[docs] def to_dict(self): data = { 'position': [self.o.x, self.o.y, self.o.z], 'type':, 'attr': {}, 'links': self.links, 'reserved': self.reserved, } for (key, value) in zip(self.attr_annotations, self.attrs): data['attr'][key] = value if self.type == EntType.ET_WEAPON: data['attr']['type'] = data['attr']['type'].name data['attr']['_order'] = self.attr_annotations return data
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): attrs = [d['attr'][x] if isinstance(d['attr'][x], int) else WeaponType[d['attr'][x]] for x in d['attr']['_order']] e = Entity( x=d['position'][0], y=d['position'][1], z=d['position'][2], type=EntType[d['type']], attrs=attrs, links=d['links'], reserved=d['reserved'] ) return e
[docs]class PlayerSpawn(Entity): def __init__(self, xyz=(0, 0, 0), team=0, yaw=0, pitch=0, modes=0, muts=0, id=0, links=None, reserved=None): self.o = ivec3(*(xyz * 4)) self.type = EntType.ET_PLAYERSTART self.attr_annotations = [ 'team', 'yaw', 'pitch', 'modes', 'muts', 'id' ] self.attrs = [ team, yaw, pitch, modes, muts, id ] self.links = [] if links is None else links self.reserved = [0, 0, 0] if reserved is None else reserved
[docs]class Sunlight(Entity): def __init__(self, xyz=(0, 0, 0), yaw=0, pitch=0, red=255, green=255, blue=255, offset=45, flare=0, flarescale=0, links=None, reserved=None): self.o = ivec3(*xyz) self.type = EntType.ET_SUNLIGHT self.attr_annotations = [ 'yaw', 'pitch', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'offset', 'flare', 'flarescale', ] self.attrs = [ yaw, pitch, red, green, blue, offset, flare, flarescale ] self.links = [] if links is None else links self.reserved = [0, 0, 0] if reserved is None else reserved
[docs]class Light(Entity): def __init__(self, xyz, radius=64, red=255, green=255, blue=255, flare=0, flarescale=0, links=None, reserved=None): xyz = xyz.fine() * 4 self.o = ivec3(*xyz) self.type = EntType.ET_LIGHT self.attr_annotations = [ 'radius', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'flare', 'flarescale', ] self.attrs = [ radius, red, green, blue, flare, flarescale ] self.links = [] if links is None else links self.reserved = [0, 0, 0] if reserved is None else reserved
[docs]class Pusher(Entity): def __init__(self, xyz, yaw=0, pitch=45, force=150, maxrad=0, minrad=0, type=0, links=None, reserved=None): xyz = xyz.fine() * 4 self.o = ivec3(*xyz) self.type = EntType.ET_PUSHER self.attr_annotations = [ 'yaw', 'pitch', 'force', 'maxrad', 'minrad', 'type' ] self.attrs = [ yaw, pitch, force, maxrad, minrad, type ] self.links = [] if links is None else links self.reserved = [0, 0, 0] if reserved is None else reserved
[docs]class TeamFlag(Entity): def __init__(self, xyz, team=1, yaw=0, pitch=0, modes=2, muts=0, id=0, links=None, reserved=None): xyz = xyz.fine() * 4 self.o = ivec3(*xyz) self.type = EntType.ET_AFFINITY self.attr_annotations = [ 'team', 'yaw', 'pitch', 'modes', 'muts', 'id' ] self.attrs = [ team, yaw, pitch, modes, muts, id ] self.links = [] if links is None else links self.reserved = [0, 0, 0] if reserved is None else reserved