Source code for redeclipse.prefabs

from redeclipse.entities import Light, PlayerSpawn, Pusher
from redeclipse.entities.model import MapModel
from redeclipse.entities.weapon import Grenade
from redeclipse.textures import AutomatedMagicaTextureManager  # , RainbowPukeTextureManager
# MinecraftThemedTextureManager, DefaultThemedTextureManager, PaperThemedTextureManager, PrimaryThemedTextureManager
from import PositionBasedLightManager
from redeclipse.prefabs.distributions import UniformDistributionManager, TowerDistributionManager, PlatformDistributionManager, CastleDistributionManager  # NOQA
from redeclipse.prefabs.construction_kit import ConstructionKitMixin
from redeclipse.vector import CoarseVector, FineVector
from redeclipse.vector.orientations import rotate_yaw, SELF, \

import random  # noqa
# import math
import copy

SIZE = 8
_BUILTIN_SIZE = 2 ** 7
_REAL_SIZE = 2 ** 8

TEXMAN = AutomatedMagicaTextureManager()
# TEXMAN = RainbowPukeTextureManager()
# TEXMAN = MinecraftThemedTextureManager()
# TEXMAN = DefaultThemedTextureManager()
# TEXMAN = PaperThemedTextureManager()
# TEXMAN = PrimaryThemedTextureManager()
# TEXMAN = MagicaThemedTextureManager()

LIGHTMAN = PositionBasedLightManager(brightness=1.0, saturation=0.6, world_size=2**8)
DISTMAN = CastleDistributionManager()

STARTING_POSITION = CoarseVector(8, 8, 3)

# Room is an object, but is also inherits from CKM which inherits from object,
# so we just inherit from CKM
[docs]class Room(ConstructionKitMixin): """Base 'room' class which all other room types inherit from """ room_type = 'oriented' tex = 1 _tp = None def __init__(self, pos, orientation=EAST, randflags=None): self.pos = CoarseVector(*pos) self.orientation = orientation if randflags: self._randflags = randflags
[docs] def get_transition_probs(self): """Probabilities of transitioning to other named room types""" if not self._tp: self._tp = DISTMAN.for_class(self) return self._tp
def _get_doorways(self): """ Return the set of possible doorways as offsets to self.pos. DO NOT include self.pos """ return [ {'orientation': NORTH, 'offset': NORTH}, {'orientation': SOUTH, 'offset': SOUTH}, {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': EAST}, {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST}, ]
[docs] def get_doorways(self): """The get_doorways function that most things actually use, which applies the offset. This mostly means that you only need to override _get_doorways with your doorways. Everyone will call this and have access to shifted values. """ return [ { 'orientation': q['orientation'].rotate(self.orientation), 'offset': self.pos + q['offset'].rotate(self.orientation) } for q in self._get_doorways() ]
def _get_positions(self): return [SELF]
[docs] def get_positions(self): """Positions occupied by this unit""" return [ self.pos + p.rotate(self.orientation) for p in self._get_positions() ]
[docs] @classmethod def randOpts(cls, prev): # Get the number of "flags" we can flip on a given room. if hasattr(cls, '_randflags'): number_of_options = len(cls._randflags) else: return {} # If the same class, only permit mutating ONE attribute. if cls == prev.__class__: mutatedOpts = list(copy.deepcopy(prev._randflags)) mutateIdx = random.randint(0, len(mutatedOpts) - 1) # Toggle that value. mutatedOpts[mutateIdx] = not mutatedOpts[mutateIdx] return {'randflags': mutatedOpts} else: # From this, now generate a random set of T/F variables opts = [] for i in range(number_of_options): opts.append(random.uniform(0, 1) > 0.5) return {'randflags': opts}
[docs] def light(self, xmap): """Function which applies light entities to the unit.""" LIGHTMAN.light(xmap, self.pos)
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): self.light(xmap) tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') self.x('floor', world, SELF, tex=tex) self.x('ceiling', world, SELF, tex=tex)
class _3X3Room(Room): """Another special case of room, though this probably does not need to be. AltarRoom is currently the only user.""" room_type = 'platform_setpiece' def __init__(self, pos, orientation=EAST, randflags=None): """Init is kept separate from rendering, because init sets self.pos, and we use that when calling self.get_positions(), which is required as part of placement, we wouldn't want to place a partial room.""" self.pos = CoarseVector(*pos) self.orientation = orientation def _get_doorways(self): return [ {'orientation': NORTH, 'offset': NORTH * 2}, {'orientation': SOUTH, 'offset': SOUTH * 2}, {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': EAST * 2}, {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST * 2}, ] def _get_positions(self): return [ NORTHWEST, NORTH, NORTHEAST, WEST, SELF, EAST, SOUTHWEST, SOUTH, SOUTHEAST, # Do not place things above us ABOVE + NORTHWEST, ABOVE + NORTH, ABOVE + NORTHEAST, ABOVE + WEST, ABOVE + SELF, ABOVE + EAST, ABOVE + SOUTHWEST, ABOVE + SOUTH, ABOVE + SOUTHEAST, ]
[docs]class TestRoom(Room): def __init__(self, pos, orientation=EAST, randflags=None): """Init is kept separate from rendering, because init sets self.pos, and we use that when calling self.get_positions(), which is required as part of placement, we wouldn't want to place a partial room.""" self.pos = CoarseVector(*pos) self.orientation = orientation if randflags: self._randflags = randflags
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): self.x('rectangular_prism', world, SELF + FineVector(2, 2, 0), FineVector(4, 4, 1), tex=TEXMAN.get_c('accent')) g = Grenade( xyz=self.pos + TILE_CENTER + ABOVE_FINE ) xmap.ents.append(g)
[docs]class TestRoom2(Room):
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') self.x('floor', world, SELF, tex=floor_tex) self.x('floor', world, SELF + EAST, tex=TEXMAN.get_c('accent')) self.x('wall', world, SELF, SOUTH, tex=TEXMAN.get_c('accent')) self.x('wall', world, SELF, NORTH, tex=TEXMAN.get_c('accent')) self.x('wall', world, SELF, WEST, tex=TEXMAN.get_c('accent')) self.x('wall', world, SELF, EAST, tex=TEXMAN.get_c('accent')) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, SELF, FineVector(2, 4, 1), tex=TEXMAN.get_c('accent')) self.x('ring', world, ABOVE, 8, tex=TEXMAN.get_c('accent'))
[docs]class NLongCorridor(Room): room_type = 'hallway' _randflags = ( True, # A True, # B; length=a<<1 | b True, # CoverA True, # CoverB ) def __init__(self, pos, orientation=EAST, randflags=None): self.orientation = orientation self.pos = CoarseVector(*pos) if randflags: self._randflags = randflags la = 1 if self._randflags[0] else 0 lb = 1 if self._randflags[1] else 0 self.length = 1 + (la << 1 | lb)
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): # First tile floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') wall_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('wall') for i in range(self.length): # Add a floor south of us. self.x('floor', world, EAST * i, tex=floor_tex) self.x('low_wall', world, EAST * i, SOUTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('low_wall', world, EAST * i, NORTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('dotted_column', world, FineVector(0, 0, 3), EAST, 8 * self.length, tex=wall_tex, on=2, off=1) self.x('dotted_column', world, FineVector(0, 7, 3), EAST, 8 * self.length, tex=wall_tex, on=2, off=1) self.light(xmap)
def _get_positions(self): positions = [SELF] # Same logic as init for i in range(1, self.length): positions.append(EAST * i) return positions def _get_doorways(self): return [ {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST}, {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': EAST * self.length}, ]
[docs]class Corridor2way(Room): room_type = 'hallway' _randflags = ( True, # roof True, # no wall / low wall ) def __init__(self, pos, orientation=EAST, randflags=None): self.pos = CoarseVector(*pos) self.orientation = orientation if randflags: self._randflags = randflags
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): self.light(xmap) floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') self.x('floor', world, SELF, tex=floor_tex) if self._randflags[0]: self.x('ceiling', world, SELF, tex=floor_tex) if self._randflags[1]: self.x('low_wall', world, SELF, NORTH) self.x('low_wall', world, SELF, SOUTH)
def _get_doorways(self): return [ {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST}, {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': EAST}, ]
[docs]class JumpCorridor3(Room): room_type = 'hallway_jump' def __init__(self, pos, orientation=EAST, randflags=None): self.pos = CoarseVector(*pos) self.orientation = orientation if randflags: self._randflags = randflags
[docs] def light(self, xmap): all_positions = self.get_positions() # Light the first and last positions LIGHTMAN.light(xmap, all_positions[0]) LIGHTMAN.light(xmap, all_positions[-1])
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): pusher_a = None pusher_b = None self.light(xmap) floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') wall_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('wall') accent_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('accent') (a, b, c) = self.pos pusher_a = Pusher( xyz=self.pos + FineVector(7, 4, 1).rotate(self.orientation), maxrad=15 * SIZE_OFFSET, yaw=rotate_yaw(270, self.orientation), force=175 * SIZE_OFFSET, ) pusher_b = Pusher( xyz=self.pos + (EAST + EAST + FineVector(1, 4, 1)).rotate(self.orientation), maxrad=15 * SIZE_OFFSET, yaw=rotate_yaw(90, self.orientation), force=175 * SIZE_OFFSET, ) xmap.ents.append(pusher_a) xmap.ents.append(pusher_b) self.x('floor', world, SELF, tex=floor_tex) self.x('floor', world, SELF + EAST + EAST, tex=floor_tex) self.x('low_wall', world, SELF, NORTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('low_wall', world, SELF, SOUTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('low_wall', world, SELF + EAST + EAST, NORTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('low_wall', world, SELF + EAST + EAST, SOUTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(6, 2, 0), FineVector(2, 4, 1), tex=accent_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, EAST + EAST + FineVector(0, 2, 0), FineVector(2, 4, 1), tex=accent_tex)
def _get_positions(self): positions = [] for i in range(3): positions.append(EAST * i) return positions def _get_doorways(self): return [ {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST}, {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': EAST * 3}, ]
[docs]class JumpCorridorVertical(Room): room_type = 'vertical' _randflags = ( True, # extra section ) def __init__(self, pos, orientation=EAST, roof=False, randflags=None): self.pos = CoarseVector(*pos) self.orientation = orientation self.roof = roof if randflags: self._randflags = randflags
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') wall_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('wall') accent_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('accent') self.x('floor', world, SELF, tex=floor_tex) self.x('ceiling', world, SELF + ABOVE + ABOVE, tex=floor_tex) self.light(xmap) pusher_a = Pusher( xyz=self.pos + FineVector(5, 4, 1).rotate(self.orientation), pitch=74, yaw=rotate_yaw(270, self.orientation), force=400 * SIZE_OFFSET, ) xmap.ents.append(pusher_a) pusher_b = Pusher( xyz=self.pos + FineVector(6, 4, 17).rotate(self.orientation), pitch=40, yaw=rotate_yaw(90, self.orientation), force=200 * SIZE_OFFSET, ) xmap.ents.append(pusher_b) (a, b, c) = self.pos self.x('wall', world, SELF, face=SOUTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('wall', world, SELF, face=NORTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('wall', world, SELF, face=EAST, tex=wall_tex) self.x('wall', world, SELF + ABOVE, face=NORTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('wall', world, SELF + ABOVE, face=SOUTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('wall', world, SELF + ABOVE, face=EAST, tex=wall_tex) self.x('wall', world, SELF + ABOVE, face=WEST, tex=wall_tex) self.x('wall', world, SELF + ABOVE + ABOVE, face=SOUTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('wall', world, SELF + ABOVE + ABOVE, face=NORTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('wall', world, SELF + ABOVE + ABOVE, face=EAST, tex=wall_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(4, 2, 0), FineVector(2, 4, 1), tex=accent_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(7, 2, 12), FineVector(1, 4, 2), tex=accent_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(0, 1, 0) + ABOVE + ABOVE, FineVector(1, 6, 1), tex=accent_tex)
def _get_positions(self): return [ SELF, SELF + ABOVE, SELF + ABOVE + ABOVE, ] def _get_doorways(self): return [ {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST}, {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST + ABOVE + ABOVE}, ]
[docs]class JumpCorridorVerticalCenter(JumpCorridorVertical): length = 1 _randflags = ( True, # Tall ) def __init__(self, pos, orientation=EAST, roof=False, randflags=None): self.pos = CoarseVector(*pos) self.orientation = orientation self.roof = roof if randflags: self._randflags = randflags if self._randflags[0]: self.length = 2
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') wall_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('wall') accent_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('accent') self.x('floor', world, SELF, tex=floor_tex) self.light(xmap) (a, b, c) = self.pos # Walls for i in range(1, self.length + 1): self.x('wall', world, SELF + (ABOVE * i), face=NORTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('wall', world, SELF + (ABOVE * i), face=SOUTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('wall', world, SELF + (ABOVE * i), face=EAST, tex=wall_tex) self.x('wall', world, SELF + (ABOVE * i), face=WEST, tex=wall_tex) self.x('ring', world, SELF + (ABOVE * (i + 1)), 8, tex=accent_tex) # Red markers self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(2, 2, 0), FineVector(4, 4, 1), tex=accent_tex) force = 460 * SIZE_OFFSET if self.length == 2: force = 700 * SIZE_OFFSET pusher_a = Pusher( xyz=self.pos + FineVector(4, 4, 1).rotate(self.orientation), pitch=90, maxrad=5, yaw=rotate_yaw(0, self.orientation), force=force, ) xmap.ents.append(pusher_a)
def _get_positions(self): positions = [] for i in range(self.length + 2): positions.append(ABOVE * i) return positions def _get_doorways(self): return [ {'orientation': NORTH, 'offset': NORTH}, {'orientation': SOUTH, 'offset': SOUTH}, {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': EAST}, {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST}, {'orientation': NORTH, 'offset': NORTH + ABOVE * (self.length + 1)}, {'orientation': SOUTH, 'offset': SOUTH + ABOVE * (self.length + 1)}, {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': EAST + ABOVE * (self.length + 1)}, {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST + ABOVE * (self.length + 1)}, ]
[docs]class Corridor4way(Room): room_type = 'platform' _randflags = ( True, # roof True, # Wall: A (A + B; !A!B: no walls, B!A: half, A!B: full, AB: columns) True, # Wall: B ) def __init__(self, pos, orientation=EAST, randflags=None): self.orientation = orientation self.pos = CoarseVector(*pos) if randflags: self._randflags = randflags
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') column_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('column') self.x('floor', world, SELF, tex=floor_tex) if self._randflags[0]: self.x('ceiling', world, SELF, tex=floor_tex) if not self._randflags[1] and not self._randflags[2]: pass elif self._randflags[1] and not self._randflags[2]: self.x('column', world, FineVector(0, 0, 0), ABOVE, 8, tex=column_tex) self.x('column', world, FineVector(0, 7, 0), ABOVE, 8, tex=column_tex) self.x('column', world, FineVector(7, 0, 0), ABOVE, 8, tex=column_tex) self.x('column', world, FineVector(7, 7, 0), ABOVE, 8, tex=column_tex) elif not self._randflags[1] and self._randflags[2]: self.x('column', world, FineVector(0, 0, 0), ABOVE, 3, tex=column_tex) self.x('column', world, FineVector(0, 7, 0), ABOVE, 3, tex=column_tex) self.x('column', world, FineVector(7, 0, 0), ABOVE, 3, tex=column_tex) self.x('column', world, FineVector(7, 7, 0), ABOVE, 3, tex=column_tex) self.light(xmap)
[docs]class SpawnRoom(Room): room_type = 'platform_setpiece' _randflags = ( True, # Two sides open ) def __init__(self, pos, roof=None, orientation=EAST, randflags=None): self.pos = CoarseVector(*pos) self.orientation = orientation if randflags: self._randflags = randflags
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') wall_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('wall') accent_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('accent') # Floor and ceiling self.x('floor', world, SELF, tex=floor_tex) self.x('ceiling', world, SELF, tex=floor_tex) # Sometimes we add a 'back' to it if not self._randflags[0]: self.x('wall', world, SELF, face=WEST, tex=accent_tex) # Always add at least two walls for cover self.x('wall', world, SELF, face=NORTH, tex=wall_tex) self.x('wall', world, SELF, face=SOUTH, tex=wall_tex) xmap.ents.append(PlayerSpawn( xyz=self.pos + TILE_CENTER + FineVector(0, 0, 1) )) self.light(xmap)
def _get_doorways(self): doors = [ {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': EAST}, ] if self._randflags[0]: doors += [ {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST}, ] return doors
class _LargeRoom(_3X3Room): _height = 1 def __init__(self, pos, roof=False, orientation=EAST, randflags=None): # Push the position self.orientation = orientation # We (arbitrarily) define pos as the middle of one side. We add # orientation to ensure we're not in the room center, we're on # west corner. self.pos = CoarseVector(*pos) + self.orientation # For bigger rooms, we have to shift them such that the previous_posision matches a doorway. if randflags: self._randflags = randflags def _get_positions(self): positions = [] for z in range(self._height): positions += [ (ABOVE * z) + NORTHWEST, (ABOVE * z) + NORTH, (ABOVE * z) + NORTHEAST, (ABOVE * z) + WEST, (ABOVE * z) + SELF, (ABOVE * z) + EAST, (ABOVE * z) + SOUTHWEST, (ABOVE * z) + SOUTH, (ABOVE * z) + SOUTHEAST, ] return positions def light(self, xmap): h = 6 if self._height > 1: h = 12 position = self.pos + NORTH + TILE_CENTER + FineVector(0, 0, h) LIGHTMAN.light(xmap, position.rotate(self.orientation))
[docs]class PoleRoom(_LargeRoom): _height = 1 _randflags = ( True, # Floating True, # Tall ) def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg): super().__init__(*arg, **kwarg) if self._randflags[1]: self._height = 2
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') self.light(xmap) # size = 24 self.x('floor', world, SOUTHWEST, tex=floor_tex, size=24) if self._randflags[1]: self.x('ceiling', world, SOUTHWEST + ABOVE, tex=floor_tex, size=24) for i in range(-8, 16): for j in range(-8, 16): if random.random() < 0.05: if 2 <= i <= 4 and 3 <= j <= 5: # Do not occupy same space as light. continue if False and self._randflags[0]: length = FineVector(1, 1, 8 * self._height) voff = ABOVE_FINE else: offset = random.randint(1, 8 * self._height / 2) length = FineVector(1, 1, (8 * self._height) - (2 * offset)) voff = (ABOVE_FINE * offset) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(i, j, 0) + voff, length, tex=TEXMAN.get_c('column'))
[docs] def light(self, xmap): light = Light( xyz=self.pos + FineVector(3, 4, 10), red=255, green=255, blue=255, radius=SIZE_OFFSET * 256, ) xmap.ents.append(light)
[docs]class ImposingBlockRoom(_LargeRoom): _height = 1 _randflags = ( True, # Roof True, # Tall True, # Vary Cube Sizes ) def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg): super().__init__(*arg, **kwarg) if self._randflags[1]: self._height = 2
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') self.light(xmap) # size = 24 self.x('floor', world, SOUTHWEST, tex=floor_tex, size=24) if self._randflags[0]: self.x('ceiling', world, SOUTHWEST + (ABOVE * (self._height - 1)), tex=floor_tex, size=24) def box_size(): if self._randflags[2]: return FineVector( random.randint(4, 7), random.randint(4, 7), random.randint(4, 7) ) else: return FineVector(6, 6, 6) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(7, 7, 0), box_size(), tex=TEXMAN.get_c('accent')) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(-5, 7, 0), box_size(), tex=TEXMAN.get_c('accent')) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(7, -5, 0), box_size(), tex=TEXMAN.get_c('accent')) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(-5, -5, 0), box_size(), tex=TEXMAN.get_c('accent'))
[docs] def light(self, xmap): light = Light( xyz=self.pos + FineVector(3, 4, 7), red=255, green=255, blue=255, radius=SIZE_OFFSET * 256, ) xmap.ents.append(light)
[docs]class ImposingRingRoom(_LargeRoom): _randflags = ( True, # Roof True, # Tall True, # Offset inner rings True, # Center Pillar True, # Inner Rings ) def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg): super().__init__(*arg, **kwarg) if self._randflags[1]: self._height = 2
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') accent_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('accent') column_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('column') self.light(xmap) # size = 24 self.x('floor', world, SOUTHWEST, tex=floor_tex, size=24) if self._randflags[0]: self.x('ceiling', world, SOUTHWEST + (ABOVE * (self._height - 1)), tex=floor_tex, size=24) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(15, 15, 1), FineVector(1, 1, (8 * self._height) - 2), tex=column_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(-8, 15, 1), FineVector(1, 1, (8 * self._height) - 2), tex=column_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(15, -8, 1), FineVector(1, 1, (8 * self._height) - 2), tex=column_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(-8, -8, 1), FineVector(1, 1, (8 * self._height) - 2), tex=column_tex) if self._randflags[3]: self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(2, 3, 1), FineVector(1, 1, (8 * self._height) - 2), tex=column_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(4, 2, 1), FineVector(1, 1, (8 * self._height) - 2), tex=column_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(3, 5, 1), FineVector(1, 1, (8 * self._height) - 2), tex=column_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(5, 4, 1), FineVector(1, 1, (8 * self._height) - 2), tex=column_tex) for i in range(1, self._height * 8 - 1, 2): self.x('ring', world, FineVector(-4, -4, i), 16, tex=accent_tex) if not self._randflags[2] and self._randflags[4]: self.x('ring', world, FineVector(-2, -2, i), 12, tex=accent_tex) if self._randflags[2] and self._randflags[4]: for i in range(2, self._height * 8 - 1, 2): self.x('ring', world, FineVector(-2, -2, i), 12, tex=accent_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(-4, 2, 1), FineVector(3, 4, 8), subtract=True) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(2, -4, 1), FineVector(4, 3, 8), subtract=True) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(9, 2, 1), FineVector(3, 4, 8), subtract=True) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(2, 9, 1), FineVector(4, 3, 8), subtract=True)
[docs] def light(self, xmap): LIGHTMAN.light(xmap, self.pos + NORTH + HALF_HEIGHT + TILE_CENTER)
[docs]class AltarRoom(_3X3Room): _randflags = ( True, # Tree True, # Rings True, # Columns ) def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg): super().__init__(*arg, **kwarg) self._height = 2
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') accent_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('accent') column_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('column') self.light(xmap) # size = 24 self.x('floor', world, SOUTHWEST, tex=floor_tex, size=24) if self._randflags[2]: self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(15, 15, 1), FineVector(1, 1, 8), tex=column_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(-8, 15, 1), FineVector(1, 1, 8), tex=column_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(15, -8, 1), FineVector(1, 1, 8), tex=column_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(-8, -8, 1), FineVector(1, 1, 8), tex=column_tex) self.x('floor', world, SOUTHWEST + FineVector(4, 4, 1), tex=accent_tex, size=16) self.x('floor', world, SOUTHWEST + FineVector(5, 5, 2), tex=floor_tex, size=14) if self._randflags[1]: self.x('ring', world, FineVector(-2, -2, 11), 12, tex=accent_tex) self.x('ring', world, FineVector(-4, -4, 10), 16, tex=accent_tex) self.x('ring', world, FineVector(-6, -6, 9), 20, tex=accent_tex) self.x('ring', world, FineVector(-8, -8, 8), 24, tex=accent_tex) if self._randflags[0]: tree = MapModel( xyz=self.pos + FineVector(4, 4, 3).rotate(self.orientation), yaw=rotate_yaw(270, self.orientation), type=124 ) xmap.ents.append(tree)
[docs]class Stair(Room): room_type = 'stair' _randflags = ( True, # Hand rail )
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') self.light(xmap) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(0, 0, 0), FineVector(1, 8, 1), tex=floor_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(1, 0, 1), FineVector(1, 8, 1), tex=floor_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(2, 0, 2), FineVector(1, 8, 1), tex=floor_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(3, 0, 3), FineVector(1, 8, 1), tex=floor_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(4, 0, 4), FineVector(1, 8, 1), tex=floor_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(5, 0, 5), FineVector(1, 8, 1), tex=floor_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(6, 0, 6), FineVector(1, 8, 1), tex=floor_tex) self.x('rectangular_prism', world, FineVector(7, 0, 7), FineVector(1, 8, 1), tex=floor_tex)
# if self._randflags[0]: # self.x('interpolate', world, SELF, FineVector(0, 0, 2), FineVector(7, 0, 9), tex=floor_tex) def _get_doorways(self): return [ {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST}, {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': EAST + ABOVE}, ] def _get_positions(self): return [SELF, ABOVE]
[docs]class CrossingWalkways(_LargeRoom): _height = 2 _randflags = ( True, # 2 or 3 units tall ) def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg): super().__init__(*arg, **kwarg) if self._randflags[0]: self._height = 3
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') self.light(xmap) # Corners are up 1 self.x('floor', world, NORTH, tex=floor_tex) self.x('floor', world, SELF, tex=floor_tex) self.x('floor', world, SOUTH, tex=floor_tex) self.x('floor', world, EAST + ABOVE, tex=floor_tex) self.x('floor', world, SELF + ABOVE, tex=floor_tex) self.x('floor', world, WEST + ABOVE, tex=floor_tex) if self._randflags[0]: self.x('floor', world, NORTH + ABOVE + ABOVE, tex=floor_tex) self.x('floor', world, SELF + ABOVE + ABOVE, tex=floor_tex) self.x('floor', world, SOUTH + ABOVE + ABOVE, tex=floor_tex)
def _get_doorways(self): doors = [ {'orientation': SOUTH, 'offset': SOUTH + SOUTH}, {'orientation': NORTH, 'offset': NORTH + NORTH}, {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': EAST + EAST + ABOVE}, {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST + WEST + ABOVE}, ] if self._randflags[0]: doors += [ {'orientation': SOUTH, 'offset': SOUTH + SOUTH + ABOVE + ABOVE}, {'orientation': NORTH, 'offset': NORTH + NORTH + ABOVE + ABOVE}, ] return doors
[docs] def light(self, xmap): for i in range(self._height): LIGHTMAN.light(xmap, SELF + (ABOVE * i))
[docs]class PlusPlatform(_LargeRoom): _height = 2 room_type = 'platform_setpiece'
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') self.light(xmap) self.x('floor', world, SELF, tex=floor_tex) self.x('floor', world, NORTH, tex=floor_tex) self.x('floor', world, SOUTH, tex=floor_tex) self.x('floor', world, EAST, tex=floor_tex) self.x('floor', world, WEST, tex=floor_tex)
def _get_doorways(self): return [ {'orientation': NORTH, 'offset': NORTH * 2}, {'orientation': SOUTH, 'offset': SOUTH * 2}, {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': EAST * 2}, {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST * 2}, ]
[docs]class MultiPlatform(_LargeRoom): _height = 3 _randflags = ( True, # Floor )
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): self.light(xmap) tex1 = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') tex2 = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') if self._randflags[0]: self.x('floor', world, SOUTHWEST, tex=tex1, size=24) # Corners are up 1 self.x('floor', world, NORTHEAST + HALF_HEIGHT, tex=tex1) self.x('floor', world, SOUTHWEST + HALF_HEIGHT, tex=tex1) self.x('floor', world, NORTHWEST + ABOVE, tex=tex2) self.x('floor', world, SOUTHEAST + ABOVE, tex=tex2) self.x('floor', world, NORTH + ABOVE + HALF_HEIGHT, tex=tex1) self.x('floor', world, SOUTH + ABOVE + HALF_HEIGHT, tex=tex1) self.x('floor', world, WEST + ABOVE + ABOVE, tex=tex2) self.x('floor', world, EAST + ABOVE + ABOVE, tex=tex2)
def _get_doorways(self): return [ # four center sides {'orientation': SOUTH, 'offset': SOUTH + SOUTH}, {'orientation': NORTH, 'offset': NORTH + NORTH}, {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': EAST + EAST}, {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST + WEST}, # First real above, ignoring half height ones. {'orientation': NORTH, 'offset': NORTHWEST + NORTH + ABOVE}, {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': NORTHWEST + WEST + ABOVE}, {'orientation': SOUTH, 'offset': SOUTHEAST + SOUTH + ABOVE}, {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': SOUTHEAST + EAST + ABOVE}, {'orientation': WEST, 'offset': WEST + WEST + ABOVE + ABOVE}, {'orientation': EAST, 'offset': EAST + EAST + ABOVE + ABOVE}, ]
[docs] def light(self, xmap): position = self.pos + TILE_CENTER + FineVector(0, 0, 16) LIGHTMAN.light(xmap, position)
[docs]class FlatSpace(_LargeRoom): _height = 1
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): self.light(xmap) floor_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('floor') self.x('floor', world, SOUTHWEST, tex=floor_tex, size=24)
[docs]class DigitalRoom(_LargeRoom): _height = 1 _randflags = ( True, # Roof True, # Tall True, # Density Low / High ) def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg): super().__init__(*arg, **kwarg) if self._randflags[1]: self._height = 2
[docs] def render(self, world, xmap): self.light(xmap) prob = 0.3 if self._randflags[2]: prob = 0.7 wall_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('wall') ceil_tex = TEXMAN.get_c('wall') # TODO: fade 0.9 self.x('floor', world, SOUTHWEST, tex=ceil_tex, size=24, prob=0.9) if self._randflags[1]: self.x('ceiling', world, SOUTHWEST + ABOVE, tex=ceil_tex, size=24, prob=prob) else: self.x('ceiling', world, SOUTHWEST, tex=ceil_tex, size=24, prob=prob) # wall_tex = 644 # TODO: Fix this bug. self.x('wall', world, NORTHWEST, face=NORTH, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, NORTHEAST, face=NORTH, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, SOUTHWEST, face=SOUTH, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, SOUTHEAST, face=SOUTH, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, NORTHWEST, face=WEST, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, SOUTHWEST, face=WEST, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, SOUTHEAST, face=EAST, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, NORTHEAST, face=EAST, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) if self._randflags[1]: self.x('wall', world, ABOVE + NORTHWEST, face=NORTH, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, ABOVE + NORTH, face=NORTH, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, ABOVE + NORTHEAST, face=NORTH, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, ABOVE + SOUTHWEST, face=SOUTH, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, ABOVE + SOUTH, face=SOUTH, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, ABOVE + SOUTHEAST, face=SOUTH, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, ABOVE + NORTHWEST, face=WEST, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, ABOVE + WEST, face=WEST, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, ABOVE + SOUTHWEST, face=WEST, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, ABOVE + SOUTHEAST, face=EAST, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, ABOVE + EAST, face=EAST, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob) self.x('wall', world, ABOVE + NORTHEAST, face=EAST, tex=wall_tex, prob=prob)