Source code for redeclipse.upm

import copy
from collections import OrderedDict
from tqdm import tqdm
import math
import random
from redeclipse.vector import CoarseVector
from redeclipse.vector.orientations import EAST, CARDINALS
from redeclipse.prefabs import TestRoom
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UnusedPositionManager: """Class for maintaining a quick-lookup list of which 8x8x8 cubes are in-use This is closely tied to our prefab model """ def __init__(self, world_size, mirror=1, noclip=False): # Disable occupation tests. self.noclip = noclip # Set of occupied positions self.occupied = {} # Set of doors that we can connect to self.unoccupied = [] # Set of all rooms rendered to the map self.rooms = [] # Set of linked rooms by doorway. self.links = [] self.world_size = world_size # Mirror mode, only defined for values 1, 2, 4 self.mirror = mirror if self.mirror == 1: self.mirror_rotations = [0] elif self.mirror == 2: self.mirror_rotations = [0, 180] elif self.mirror == 4: self.mirror_rotations = [0, 90, 180, 270] def _yield_mirrored(self, room): for orientation in self.mirror_rotations: room_copy = copy.deepcopy(room) # Offset rotate around the center of the map room_copy.pos = room_copy.pos.offset_rotate(orientation, offset=CoarseVector(-16, -16, 0)) room_copy.orientation = room_copy.orientation.rotate(orientation) yield room_copy def _yield_mirrored_positions(self, room): for orientation in self.mirror_rotations: yield ( room.pos.offset_rotate(orientation, offset=CoarseVector(-16, -16, 0)), room.orientation.rotate(orientation) )
[docs] def preregister_room(self, room): """ Register positions occupied by this room, but don't *actually* do it, only attempt to do it in a temporary manner. Useful for validating that multi-room rooms work OK even under mirrored circumstances. :param rooms: An array of redeclipse.prefabs.Room that are to be pre-registered. :type rooms: list(redeclipse.prefabs.Room) :returns: Whether or not it is OK to register this room. :rtype: boolean """ new_rooms = self._yield_mirrored(room) return self._preregister_room(new_rooms)
def _preregister_room(self, rooms): #"Prereg: %s", '|'.join([x.__class__.__name__ for x in rooms])) added_occupied = set() for room in rooms: used = room.get_positions() # First, we need to check that ALL of those positions are # unoccupied. for position in used: if position in self.occupied.keys() or position in added_occupied: return False added_occupied = added_occupied.union(set(used)) # Don't add the room if the door is off the edge. for door in room.get_doorways(): if not self.is_legal(door['offset']): return False return True
[docs] def register_room(self, room): """ Register positions occupied by this room :param room: A single room that is to be added to the world. :type room: redeclipse.prefabs.Room :rtype: None """ for r in self._yield_mirrored(room): self._register_room(r)
def _register_room(self, room): used = room.get_positions() self.rooms.append(room) # First, we need to check that ALL of those positions are # unoccupied. for position in used: if position in self.occupied.keys() and not self.noclip: raise Exception("Occupado %s" % position) # Otherwise, all positions are fine to use. self.occupied.update({pos: room for pos in used}) # Remove occupied positions from possibilities self.unoccupied = [(p, r, o) for (p, r, o) in self.unoccupied if p not in used] #" OCC: %s", list(map(str, self.occupied))) #"UNOCC: %s", list(map(str, self.unoccupied))) # Get doorways doors = room.get_doorways() #"DOORS: %s", list(map(str, doors))) for position in doors: #" pos: %s => leg:%s occ:%s", position['offset'], self.is_legal(position['offset']), position['offset'] in self.occupied) # If that door position is not occupied by something else if self.is_legal(position['offset']) and not position['offset'] in self.occupied.keys(): # and cache in our doorway list self.unoccupied.append((position['offset'], room, position['orientation']))
[docs] def random_position(self): """Select a random doorway to use :returns: a doorway from the set of unoccupied doorways. :rtype: tuple of (position, room, orientation), whatever the heck those are. """ if len(self.occupied.keys()) > 0: return random.choice(self.unoccupied) else: raise Exception("No more space!")
[docs] def nrp_flavour_center_hole(self, x, y, z): """ A 'flavour' which avoids placing rooms in the center :param x: x position :type x: int :param y: y position :type y: int :param z: z position :type z: int :returns: a float which should be applied as the probability of chosing this position :rtype: float """ # TODO: dependent on self.size tmpx = abs(x - 128) tmpy = abs(y - 128) return math.pow(tmpx, 5) + math.pow(tmpy, 5)
[docs] def nrp_flavour_vertical(self, x, y, z): """ A 'flavour' which strongly encourages verticality :param x: x position :type x: int :param y: y position :type y: int :param z: z position :type z: int :returns: a float which should be applied as the probability of chosing this position :rtype: float """ return math.pow(z, 5)
[docs] def nrp_flavour_plain(self, x, y, z): """ The base flavour which has no preferences :param x: x position :type x: int :param y: y position :type y: int :param z: z position :type z: int :returns: a float which should be applied as the probability of chosing this position :rtype: float """ return 1
[docs] def nonrandom_position(self, flavour_function): """Non-randomly select doorway to use based on the flavour function. :param flavour_function: A function from this class (or a custom one) :type flavour_function: function """ choices = [ (idx, flavour_function(*posD[0])) for idx, posD in enumerate(self.unoccupied) ] wc = self.weighted_choice(choices) if len(self.unoccupied) > 0: return self.unoccupied[wc] else: raise Exception("No more space!")
[docs] @classmethod def weighted_choice(cls, choices): """Weighted random distribution. Given a list like [('a', 1), ('b', 2)] will return a 33% of the time and b 66% of the time.""" # total = sum(w for c, w in choices) r = random.uniform(0, total) upto = 0 for c, w in choices: if upto + w >= r: return c upto += w return None
[docs] def random_room(self, connecting_room, room_options): """Pick out a random room based on the connecting room and the transition probabilities of that room.""" choices = [] probs = connecting_room.get_transition_probs() for room in room_options: # Append to our possibilities choices.append(( # The room, and the probability of getting that type of room # based on the current room type room, probs.get(room.room_type, 0.1) )) return self.weighted_choice(choices)
[docs] def random_room_stream(self, connecting_room, room_options): # We need to get the complete set of rooms, in a randomly shuffled # fashion. Previously we'd just try again and again on a position to # fit a room on there. Sometimes this would succeed, sometimes it would # failure and we'd have unbounded execution time. choices = [] probs = connecting_room.get_transition_probs() # We'll need integer probabilities for the shuffling, so use min and mult everything. minimum_prob = min([probs.get(room.room_type, 0.1) for room in room_options]) for room in room_options: # Number of times we'd like to see this room. frequency = int(probs.get(room.room_type, 0.1) / minimum_prob) # Append that many rooms for n in range(frequency): choices.append(room) # >>> OrderedDict([(x, True) for x in [1,2,23,3,5,34,5,5, 6]]) # OrderedDict([(1, True), (2, True), (23, True), (3, True), (5, True), (34, True), (6, True)]) # Now that we've got a set of rooms with many dupes, we'll shuffle it. choices = OrderedDict([(room, True) for room in random.sample(choices, len(choices))]).keys() return choices
[docs] def room_localization(self, possible_rooms, prev_room_door, prev_room, prev_room_orientation): """ Given a set of possible rooms, this will randomly choose a location, and emit a stream of orientations for rooms that could be attached. """ # If we are here, we do have a position + orientation to place in # Get the COMPLETE set of rooms, influenced by the prev_room for roomClass in self.random_room_stream(prev_room, possible_rooms): # We loop over a (random permutation) of the possible orientations in # order to identify at least one with a plausible door. Shuffling *may* # not be necessary but it doesn't hurt anything. for orientation in random.sample(CARDINALS, 4): kwargs = {'orientation': orientation} # Initialize room, required to correctly calculate get_positions()/get_doorways() r = roomClass(pos=CoarseVector(2, 2, 3), **kwargs) # We've already picked a prev_room_door (and we know its orientation) # Now we pick a door on the new room we'll place. roomClass_doors = r.get_doorways() # Find a door that is facing in the opposite direction as prev_room_orientation options = [x for x in roomClass_doors if x['orientation'] == prev_room_orientation.rotate(180)] # If we don't have any options, continue, let's try a different orientation. if len(options) == 0: continue # If we do have doors though, choose a door on our new room that's # in the correct orientation for chosen_door in options: # Room offset room_offset = chosen_door['offset'] - prev_room_door + prev_room_orientation # Add our random options kwargs.update(roomClass.randOpts(prev_room)) # Last, we yield all possible versions of this room (in case # some of them don't fit.) r = roomClass(pos=CoarseVector(2, 2, 3) - room_offset, **kwargs) # If the room can be registered in this position, safely, ONLY # then do we yield it. if self.preregister_room(r): yield r
def _room_cap_debug(self, pos, typ, ori): return TestRoom(pos, orientation=EAST) def _room_cap_real(self, prev_room_door, prev_room, prev_room_orientation, possible_endcaps=None): # Pick a random room class for roomClass in random.sample(possible_endcaps, len(possible_endcaps)): # Test all the orientations for c in CARDINALS: # 2,2,3 is not a special value, it could be anything. r = roomClass(pos=CoarseVector(2, 2, 3), orientation=c) # There will only be one door. roomClass_doors = r.get_doorways() options = [x for x in roomClass_doors if x['orientation'] == prev_room_orientation.rotate(180)] if len(options) == 0: continue chosen_door = options[0] room_offset = chosen_door['offset'] - prev_room_door + prev_room_orientation r = roomClass(pos=CoarseVector(2, 2, 3) - room_offset, orientation=c) # Ensure all room positions are legal if not all([self.is_legal(pos) for pos in r.get_positions()]): continue # Ensure all room positions are not occupied if not all([pos not in self.occupied.keys() for pos in r.get_positions()]): continue return r
[docs] def endcap(self, debug=False, possible_endcaps=[]): if debug: for (pos, typ, ori) in tqdm(self.unoccupied): r = self._room_cap_debug(pos, typ, ori) if r: self._register_room(r) else: for (pos, typ, ori) in tqdm(self.unoccupied): r = self._room_cap_real(pos, typ, ori, possible_endcaps=possible_endcaps) if r: self._register_room(r)
[docs] def place_rooms(self, debug, possible_rooms, rooms=10): room_count = 0"Placing rooms") with tqdm(total=rooms) as pbar: while True: # Continually try and place rooms until we hit 200. if room_count >= rooms:"Placed enough rooms") break if len(self.unoccupied) == 0:"Ran out of unoccupied positions") break # Pick a random position for this notional room to go (prev_room_door, prev_room, prev_room_orientation) = self.nonrandom_position(self.nrp_flavour_vertical) for r in self.room_localization(possible_rooms, prev_room_door, prev_room, prev_room_orientation): self.register_room(r) pbar.update(self.mirror) pbar.set_description('u:%d o:%d r:%d' % (len(self.unoccupied), len(self.occupied.keys()), len(self.rooms))) # If we get here, we've placed successfully so bump count + render room_count += self.mirror # Also register a link for the graph type output. self.register_link(prev_room, r) # After we place the first one, break out of this # for loop since the rest of the options are just # different orientations of the same thing. break else: # There are NO rooms which fit here, so we need to remove # this from our positions so we don't bother trying again. self.unoccupied = [ (d, r, o) for (d, r, o) in self.unoccupied if (d, r, o) != (prev_room_door, prev_room, prev_room_orientation) ]"No rooms fit here, removing")