Source code for

"""Light manager"""
import colorsys
import noise

from redeclipse.entities import Light
from redeclipse.vector.orientations import TILE_CENTER, HALF_HEIGHT

SIZE = 8

[docs]class LightManager: """ A lighting manager for a map """ def __init__(self, brightness=1.0, saturation=1.0, world_size=2**7): """ :param float brightness: The brightness of the map :param float saturation: The saturation level for the lights """ self.brightness = brightness self.saturation = saturation self._world_size_factor = world_size / 2 ** 6
[docs] def light(self, xmap, position, colour_override=None, autocenter=True, size_factor=1): """ :param xmap: A redeclipse map object, the light will be attached to the entity list. :type xmap: redeclipse.Map :param position: The position of the light :type position: redeclipse.vector.FineVector or redeclipse.vector.CoarseVector :param colour_override: Override whatever colour the light manager comes up with :type colour_override: tuple(int, int, int) :param boolean autocenter: Automatically add FineVector(4, 4, 4) to the position """ if autocenter: pos = position + TILE_CENTER + HALF_HEIGHT if colour_override: (red, green, blue) = colour_override else: (red, green, blue) = self.hue(pos) light = self.get_light(pos, red, green, blue, size_factor=size_factor) xmap.ents.append(light)
[docs] def hue(self, pos): """ Get a hue for a position. Child classes should implement this in more interesting manners. This returns a pure white light by default. :param pos: The position :type pos: tuple(int, int, int) :returns: A colour :rtype: tuple(int, int, int) """ return (255, 255, 255)
[docs] def get_light(self, position, red, green, blue, size_factor=1): """ Return a light entity for a position and colour :param position: The position :type position: tuple(int, int, int) :param int red: red component :param int green: green component :param int blue: blue component :returns: An appropriately configured light entity :rtype: redeclipse.entities.Light """ return Light( xyz=position.entity() / self._world_size_factor, # Colours red=red, green=green, blue=blue, # Make it a relatively small light, nice intimate feel without # washing out. radius=SIZE_OFFSET * 64 * size_factor, )
[docs]class PositionBasedLightManager(LightManager): """ A lighting manager for a map which returns a different colour based on position. """
[docs] def hue(self, pos): """ Get a hue for a position. This returns a coloured light that changes hue gradually over x/y/z :param pos: The position :type pos: tuple(int, int, int) :returns: A colour :rtype: tuple(int, int, int) """ nums = [ x * (2 ** -8.4) for x in pos ] # convert a tuple of three nums (x,y,z) + offset into a # 0-255 integer. def kleur(nums, base): return int(abs(noise.pnoise3(*nums, base=base)) * 255) # Now we generate our colour: red = kleur(nums, 10) grn = kleur(nums, 0) blu = kleur(nums, 43) # RGB isn't great, because it means low values of RGB are # low luminance. So we convert to HSV to get pure hue (hue, _, _) = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(red, grn, blu) (red1, grn1, blu1) = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, self.saturation, 255) # We then peg S and V to high and only retain hue (red, grn, blu) = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, self.saturation, int(255 * min(self.brightness, 1.0))) print(red, grn, blu, red1, grn1, blu1) # This should give us a bright colour on a continuous range return (int(red), int(grn), int(blu))