Source code for redeclipse.prefabs.construction_kit

import random

from bresenham import bresenham

from redeclipse.objects import cube
from redeclipse.vector import FineVector
from redeclipse.vector.orientations import TILE_VOX_OFF, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, ABOVE, BELOW

[docs]def line_points(start, end): """ TODO: this is broken af currently. """ print("Line from ", start, 'to', end) if start.x == end.x: return [] xy = list(bresenham(start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y)) xz = list(bresenham(start.x, start.z, end.x, end.z)) print(xy) print(xz) # There are gonna be uuuugly cases aren't there :( kv = {} for x in range(start.x, end.x + 1): kv[x] = { 'y': [], 'z': [], } print(kv) for pxz in xz: kv[pxz[0]]['z'].append(pxz[1]) for pxy in xy: kv[pxy[0]]['y'].append(pxy[1]) # resolve for pt in kv.keys(): ys = kv[pt]['y'] zs = kv[pt]['z'] if len(ys) == len(zs): for (y, z) in zip(ys, zs): yield FineVector(pt, y, z) elif len(ys) % len(zs) == 0: # eg. 9ys and 3zs it_size = len(ys) // len(zs) for i in range(len(zs)): for j in range(it_size): yield FineVector(pt, ys[i + j], zs[i]) elif len(zs) % len(ys) == 0: it_size = len(zs) // len(ys) for i in range(len(ys)): for j in range(it_size): yield FineVector(pt, ys[i], zs[i + j]) else: # worst case. for i in range(len(ys)): for j in range(len(zs)): yield FineVector(pt, ys[i], zs[j])
[docs]def column_points(size, direction): """ Yield points needed to draw a column :param int size: Length of column :param str direction: direction the column should go in. One of (±x/y/z) :returns: An iterable of FineVectors :rtype: list(redeclipse.vector.FineVector) """ # Convert direction to fine. direction = direction.fine() / 8 for i in range(size): yield direction * i
[docs]def wall_points(size, direction, limit_j=100, limit_i=100): """ Yield points needed to draw a wall. The semantics of direction are a bit odd. :param int size: size of the (square) wall :param str direction: Face the wall is on, e.g. -z is floor, +z is ceiling (size - 1) :param int limit_i: A clamp applied to the x component :param int limit_j: A clamp applied to the y component :returns: An iterable of FineVectors :rtype: list(redeclipse.vector.FineVector) """ if size > 0: i_lower_bound = 0 i_upper_bound = size j_lower_bound = 0 j_upper_bound = size else: i_lower_bound = size i_upper_bound = 0 j_lower_bound = size j_upper_bound = 0 for i in range(i_lower_bound, i_upper_bound): # Allow partial_j walls if i > limit_i: continue for j in range(j_lower_bound, j_upper_bound): # Allow partial_j walls if j > limit_j: continue if direction == BELOW: yield FineVector(i, j, 0) elif direction == ABOVE: yield FineVector(i, j, size - 1) elif direction == SOUTH: yield FineVector(i, 0, j) elif direction == NORTH: yield FineVector(i, size - 1, j) elif direction == WEST: yield FineVector(0, i, j) elif direction == EAST: yield FineVector(size - 1, i, j)
[docs]def cube_points(x, y, z): """ Yield points needed to draw a rectangular prism or cube. :param int x: size of the rectangular_prism in the x direction :param int y: size of the rectangular_prism in the y direction :param int z: size of the rectangular_prism in the z direction If, e.g., x is less than zero, it will go from (-x to 0) rather than (0, x) :returns: An iterable of FineVectors :rtype: list(redeclipse.vector.FineVector) """ if x > 0: x_lower_bound = 0 x_upper_bound = x else: x_lower_bound = x + 1 x_upper_bound = 1 if y > 0: y_lower_bound = 0 y_upper_bound = y else: y_lower_bound = y + 1 y_upper_bound = 1 if z > 0: z_lower_bound = 0 z_upper_bound = z else: z_lower_bound = z + 1 z_upper_bound = 1 for i in range(x_lower_bound, x_upper_bound): for j in range(y_lower_bound, y_upper_bound): for k in range(z_lower_bound, z_upper_bound): yield FineVector(i, j, k)
[docs]def subtract_or_skip(subtract, prob): """ determine if we should subtract or skip based on the parameters. :param boolean subtract: Should subtract the point :param float prob: If ``random.random()`` > prob, will return that we should "skip" the point. :returns: should we subtract (true) or skip the point (false) :rtype: boolean """ if subtract: return True else: if prob < 1: if random.random() > prob: return True return False
[docs]class ConstructionKitMixin(object): """ A mixin for constructing things in the VoxelWorld. The code is still a bit messy... """
[docs] def x(self, construction, world, *args, **kwargs): funcname = 'x_' + construction if not hasattr(self, funcname): raise Exception("Unknown function") func = getattr(self, funcname) tex = 2 subtract = kwargs.get('subtract', False) prob = kwargs.get('prob', 1.1) if 'tex' in kwargs: tex = kwargs['tex'] del kwargs['tex'] if 'subtract' in kwargs: del kwargs['subtract'] if 'prob' in kwargs: del kwargs['prob'] for point in func(*args, **kwargs): if subtract_or_skip(subtract, prob): world.del_pointv(point) continue world.set_pointv(point, cube.newtexcube(tex=tex))
[docs] def x_cube(self, offset): yield self.pos + offset.offset_rotate(self.orientation, offset=TILE_VOX_OFF)
[docs] def x_column(self, offset, direction, length): local_position = self.pos + offset.offset_rotate(self.orientation, offset=TILE_VOX_OFF) for point in column_points(length, direction.rotate(self.orientation)): yield point + local_position
[docs] def x_interpolate(self, offset, start, end): start = start.rotate(self.orientation).vox() end = end.rotate(self.orientation).vox() local_position = self.pos + offset.offset_rotate(self.orientation, offset=TILE_VOX_OFF) for point in line_points(start, end): yield point + local_position
[docs] def x_dotted_column(self, offset, direction, length, on=2, off=2): local_position = self.pos + offset.offset_rotate(self.orientation, offset=TILE_VOX_OFF) onoff = [True] * on + [False] * off for idx, point in enumerate(column_points(length, direction.rotate(self.orientation))): if onoff[idx % len(onoff)]: yield point + local_position
[docs] def x_ceiling(self, offset, size=ROOM_SIZE): yield from self.x_rectangular_prism(offset + FineVector(0, 0, 7), FineVector(size, size, 1))
[docs] def x_floor(self, offset, size=ROOM_SIZE): yield from self.x_rectangular_prism(offset, FineVector(size, size, 1))
[docs] def x_low_wall(self, offset, face): yield from self.x_wall(offset, face, limit_j=3)
[docs] def x_wall(self, offset, face, limit_j=8): if face == EAST: yield from self.x_rectangular_prism(offset + FineVector(7, 0, 0), FineVector(1, 8, limit_j)) elif face == WEST: yield from self.x_rectangular_prism(offset + FineVector(0, 0, 0), FineVector(1, 8, limit_j)) elif face == NORTH: yield from self.x_rectangular_prism(offset + FineVector(0, 7, 0), FineVector(8, 1, limit_j)) elif face == SOUTH: yield from self.x_rectangular_prism(offset + FineVector(0, 0, 0), FineVector(8, 1, limit_j))
[docs] def x_ring(self, offset, size): # world, FineVector(-2, -2, i), 12, tex=accent_tex) yield from self.x_rectangular_prism(offset, FineVector(1, size - 1, 1)) yield from self.x_rectangular_prism(offset, FineVector(size - 1, 1, 1)) yield from self.x_rectangular_prism(offset + FineVector(0, size - 1, 0), FineVector(size, 1, 1)) yield from self.x_rectangular_prism(offset + FineVector(size - 1, 0, 0), FineVector(1, size, 1))
[docs] def x_rectangular_prism(self, offset, xyz): xyz = xyz.rotate(self.orientation).vox() local_position = self.pos + offset.offset_rotate(self.orientation, offset=TILE_VOX_OFF) for point in cube_points(xyz.x, xyz.y, xyz.z): yield point + local_position